Welcome to the new look of the Uprising! This website will be utilized as our common starting point for all things going on within the youth of Hagerman Baptist Church. Please, feel free to email me with ideas on how we can best use this resource!

Nate’s Bible Reflection of the Day:

Psalm 22

Often I open the Bible to a random page when I am in between specific studies, always in the hope that the Spirit will lead me to something He wants to highlight for my day. Today, I opened to Psalm 22, and was instantly wowed again by God’s Word. I encourage you to read the psalm, it’s short, but very amazing because when you read it, you recognize the fact that Jesus quoted the first line of this psalm as He hung on the cross. What makes it especially amazing is that as you read the rest of the psalm, you realize that it fits in detail His crucifixion… but this psalm was written by David hundreds of years before Jesus came! Not only does Christ exclaim the first line in the pain and anguish of being forsaken by God (temporarily) but you get wowed by the fact that God knew this was coming! I love re-discovering the truth of Jesus Christ everyday!