Yo Uprising,

We kick started our new service and outreach ideas yesterday! Our own Tucker took lead of some practical ways that we are going to reach out within the church and out in the world, and we already have some collections started, as well as volunteer ideas going forward. We also started to work on sending out prayer cards to ill members of the church, as well as making some to place in the world for the Lord to use to bless others. Melissa also lead a group planning out our nursery remodel for the church. The Uprising will be painting, decorating and updating our HBC nursery to show love to those who are coming up behind us.

Today I was feeling down in the dumps because of some sin in my life, and I’ve decided to set up a daily list of some Scripture I want to read every morning. I set a daily reminder on my phone of my favorite verses so I can start my day every day with the Lord. I want to pray more, and as Christ said to the church in Ephesus, I want to come back to my first love. My Lord and Savior, Jesus.

Stay strong, Uprising! I’m so proud of the energy and excitement y’all are bringing to our new direction!